It is important that children are in school each day and on time. Their progress will be affected by frequent absences or lateness. It is important that school is informed on the first morning to explain the absence. If you know that your child is likely to be away from school for any length of time, please let us know as soon as possible.
The school follows the LEA attendance procedures, and you will be contacted by the LA Attendance Officer if your child’s attendance falls below a certain level.
Being on time for school is crucial, since school usually begins straight away. Children can feel left out if they are frequently late and can miss out on important things.
If you have a problem getting your child to school on time, please let us know.
If you need to take your child out of school during the day it is very important that you
- Let us know in advance
- Collect your child from the school office
- Sign your child out
Children will not be allowed to meet you off school property.
The school actively encourages holidays to be kept within the holiday period as research has shown that term-time holidays have a significant and detrimental effect on children’s progress. It is very important that holidays are not taken in May as this is the school test month.
Exceptional Circumstances forms are available to download or from the school office.