Lambton Primary School

Lambton Primary School

Believe to Achieve

Caradoc Close, Lambton Village, Washington, Tyne And Wear, NE38 0PL

0191 481 3993

Values and Ethos

Values & Ethos

At Lambton Primary School, we aim to provide a safe, happy, well-ordered community in which children can be valued as individuals. We seek to provide an atmosphere in school where parents, staff, governors and children can work together in a spirit of co-operation. Our values and ethos are incorporated within our vision and aims.

Vision statement

At Lambton Primary School, children are valued as individuals and experience high quality learning, which is dynamic, imaginative, creative and relevant to their lives. We recognise that our children live in diverse households and that all learning is relevant to their lives and we encourage strong home–school links.  We celebrate, encourage and support all who participate in our school community.

Through stimulating teaching methods and resources, pupils are encouraged to take risks and to challenge themselves. All children are supported to develop a deeper understanding of self, enabling them to grow into responsible members of society.

Aims of the school

  • To provide an environment which is stimulating and secure
  • To encourage social, spiritual and moral development whilst promoting caring and co-operative attitudes
  • To help children become effective communicators
  • To develop self-reliance, self-motivation, self-confidence and self-esteem
  • To help children achieve a wide range of experiences and knowledge
  • To learn to value and be valued as individuals
  • To promote good behaviour with agreed and understood rules.
Agreed by staff, pupils and governors (September 2023)

Ratified: September 2023

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